Follow the Mediterranean Diet at Leila

Enjoy Mediterranean food at Leila.

The Mediterranean diet is not really a diet per say. It is a heart healthy way of eating for life. The diet emphasizes consuming lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and limiting the amount of red meat and eggs. Protein comes from lean cuts of fish and poultry and low-fat dairy products. Most fat in this nutritional plan comes from olive oil. Processed foods are avoided and the only sweets allowed in this diet are from fresh or dried fruits.

The Flat Belly Diet is a popular book written by Liz Vaccariello and Cynthis Sass based on the basic principles of the Mediterranean Diet. Followers of the Flat Belly Diet consume a MUFA, monounsaturated fat, with every meal. Examples of MUFA’s include olive oil, flaxseed oil, almond butter and olives. This diet plan also emphasizes fresh fruit and vegetables, moderate amounts of low-fat protein, whole grains and limiting dairy products, especially those high in fat.

Leila, a Middle Eastern restaurant in West Palm Beach, has a menu full of delicious choices perfect for anyone following the Mediterranean style of eating. Try the Samak Mishwee for lunch, a flame grilled mahi-mahi filet served with a tangy citrus sesame taratoor sauce.

Daily moderate exercise should be a part of every healthy nutritional plan. Visit Leila restaurant for a delicious Mediterranean style lunch or dinner then enjoy a stroll down exciting Clematis Street in the hip downtown West Palm Beach area.

Restaurant Contact Information

  • Leila
  • 120 South Dixie Highway
  • West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Phone: (561) 659-7373

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